Editorial Team

Editorial Board:

Editor: Frances B. Titchener, Utah State University, e-mail: frances.titchener@usu.edu
Book Review Editor: Vicente Ramon Palerm, Universidad de Zaragoza, e-mail: vmramon@unizar.es
Coordinators: Aurelio Pérez Jiménez, Universidad de Malaga, e-mail: aurelioperez@uma.es & Delfim Ferreira Leão, Universidade de Coimbra, e-mail: leo@fl.uc.pt 


Advisory Board:

Paola Volpe Cacciatore, Università di Salemo, e-mail: pavolpe@unisa.it
Jeffrey Beneker, University of Wisconsin, e-mail: beneker@wisc.edu
Frederick E. Brenk, Arrupe House Jesuit Community, e-mail: fbrenk@ jesuitswisprov.org
John Dillon, Trinity College, Dublin, e-mail: dillonj@tcd.ie
Joseph Geiger, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, e-mail: geiger@pluto.mscc.huji.ac.il
Aristoula Georgiadou, University of Patras, e-mail: ageorgia.gm@gmail.com
Anna Ginesti Rosell, Katholische Universitiit Eichstiitt-Ingolstadt, e-mail: anna.ginesti@ku. de
Olivier Guerrier, Université de Toulouse, e-mail: olivier.guerrier@wanadoo.fr
Katarzyna Jazdzewska, University of Warsaw, e-mail: kjazdzewska@gmail.com
Anastasios G. Nikolaidis, University of Crete
Christopher Pelling, Christ Church, Oxford, e-mail: chris.pelling@chch.ox.ac.uk
Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta, University of Groningen, e-mail: f.l.roig.lanzillotta@rug.nl
Geert Roskam, Katholische Universitiit Leuven, e-mail: geert.roskam@kuleu­ven.be
Philip A. Stadter, University of N.C. at Chapel Hill
Sven-Tage Teodorsson, University of Gothenburg, e-mail: Teodorsson@class.gu.se
Maria Vamvouri, Université de Lausanne, e-mail: maria.vamvouri­ruffy@vd.educanet2.ch
Luc Van der Stockt, Katholische Universitiit Leuven, e-mail: luc.vanderstockt@kuleuven.be
Alexei V.Zadorojnyi, University of Liverpool, e-mai: avzadoro@liv.ac.uk