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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and not under review or for publication by another journal.
  • The files for submission are in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF (provided they do not exceed 2MB).

  • URLs for the references have been provided where available.

  • The text is double-spaced in a 12-point font; uses italics rather than underscoring (except in URLs); figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document as appendices.
  • The text meets the style and references requirements set out under Instructions for Authors, in the section About the Journal.
  • In the event that the submission is to a peer-reviewed section (e.g. articles), the instructions available at ensuring a blind peer review have been followed.

  • Images (maps, photos..) must be sent in a separate file, with good resolution and in jpg or tif format.

Author Guidelines

1. Type of papers

The journal Cadernos de Geografia accepts unpublished articles, notes, news and reviews written in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish.


2. Length

2.1. An article should not exceed 50 000 characters with spaces, including the abstract and keywords in two languages, illustrations, tables and references.

2.2. A note or news item should not be more than 10 000 characters with spaces.

2.3. A review should not exceed 30 000 characters with spaces.


3. Title

3.1. The title should be concise and express the content of the text.

3.2. The title is displayed in lowercase, bold and left-aligned.

3.3. The title must be submitted in the same language as the text and be translated into English.


4. Authors

4.1. The name of the first author should be written in lowercase with initial capitals,  and should be placed in the paragraph immediately following the title, left-aligned and in bold.

4.2. The institutional affiliation is given in the paragraph following the name(s) of the author(s).

4.3. The paragraph following the institutional affiliation indicates the respective email address.

4.4. The ORCID number of the author(s) should appear in the following paragraph.

4.5. For other authors, the same structural organization of the identifying elements must followed.


5. Abstracts

5.1. Two abstracts should be submitted, one in the same language as the text and the other in English or Portuguese.

5.2. The abstract should be concise, express the context of the work and mention the essential goals, results and conclusions reached.

5.3. The abstract should not include references or citations.

5.4. The abstract should be confined within a single paragraph and not exceed 250 words.


6. Keywords

6.1. The keywords are presented in the same language at the end of each abstract.

6.2. They are written in lowercase letters and separated by comma.

6.3. Should be at least 3 and no more than 5.


7. Formatting of the text and sections

7.1. Manuscripts should be prepared in digital form, in a recent version of Word, A4 size with top, bottom and side margins of 2.54 cm. Font Times New Roman 12 pt should be used, justified alignment, with an indent of 1.27 cm in the first line of each paragraph. 1,5 spaced.

7.2. Headings should be left-aligned, bold, 16 pt font size. Subheadings are not numbered and should be formatted according to the following examples:

Level 1 - left-aligned in bold, font size 14 pt.

Level 2 - left-aligned in bold, font size 13 pt.

Level 3 - left-aligned in bold, font size 12.5 pt.

Level 4 - left-aligned in bold, font size 12 pt.

7.3. In body text, the bibliographical indication of an author should be presented as follows: the surname, followed by the year of the reference in parentheses. E.g. Cunha (2015) or (Cunha, 2015). In the case of a citation, the indication of the page (s) is mandatory. E.g. Gomes (2014, p. 61) or (Gomes, 2014, p. 64) or (Gomes, 2014, pp. 72-73). If there are 2 authors, "&" is used between surnames when referenced in parentheses. E.g. (Santos & Gonçalves, 2011) or "and" when referred in the text, e.g. Santos and Gonçalves (2011); In-text citations with three or more authors use the last name of the first author, followed by et al. and year of reference, e.g. (Cunha et al., 2012). If multiple references of the same author(s) with the same year of publication are used, they should be distinguished by the letters a, b, c, etc., immediately after the year. E.g. Silva (2014a) or (Silva, 2014b).

When several works of different authors are mentioned within the same parentheses, they are ordered in alphabetical order separated by semicolons, e.g. Several studies (Gomes, 2014; Rodrigues & Cunha, 2012).

7.4. Transcripts in body text (if they are less than 40 words) must be enclosed in quotation marks, indicating the page(s). If the citation has 40 or more words it should be highlighted, left indentation (15mm), without quotation marks, followed by a full stop and placing in parenthesis the author(s) surname, year of publication and page(s).

7.5. The text should comply with the 1990 orthographic agreement and use inclusive language. E.g. ‘human being’ should be preferred to ‘man’.

7.6. Words in a language other than one used for the text should be in italics. All underscores should be replaced by italics.

7.7. Any abbreviations or acronyms should be written in full the first time they are mentioned, with the initials given immediately afterwards, in parentheses. E.g. Statistics Portugal (INE).

7.8. For numeric references, the dot must be used as the decimal separator.


8. Footnotes

8.1. These must be strictly essential, brief and confined to enhancing the text by adding a clarification or a critical point.

8.2. References should not appear in footnotes.

8.3. Footnotes are numbered continuously with Arabic numerals, without parentheses and appear at the bottom of the page.


9. Figures

9.1. A figure refers to an illustration that includes charts, graphs, schematic representations, drawings, photographs, formulas, and so forth.

9.2. Figures are numbered continuously with Arabic numerals.

9.3. The designation of the figure must be concise, express the content and use capital letters only at the beginning and for proper names.

9.4. All figures must be properly positioned and be mentioned in the text, using the word Figure, even when enclosed by parentheses [e.g. (Figure 1)].

9.5. Figures are sent in a separate file from the text file. They use CMYK colour mode, TIFF format and have a resolution of 300 dpi. Each figure is identified by the first author's surname, the figure number and description matching the format. E.g. Silva_Fig._2.tiff

9.6. Photographs must measure 16x23 cm.

9.7. Figures should be of good enough quality and legibility to allow reduction to fit the journal layout.

9.8. Authors should be sparing when choosing the illustrations they would like printed in colour. Whenever possible this preference will be respected.

9.9. In the case of black and white figures, it is advisable to use plots that are easy to read, and to avoid the multiplication of grey-scale modes.

9.10. Captions should be simple and clear.

9.11. In the case of the original figures, authors must indicate their authorship on the paragraph immediately after the title of the figure. In addition, they must also send the “Statement for transfer of graphic elements copyrights”, authorizing the IUC to publish all the figures and illustrations inserted in the work.
All figures or illustration that are from sources other than the author(s) of the submitted work, even if they have an indication of this source, need an express authorization from the holders of the respective copyrights to be published in the Journal Cadernos de Geografia. To obviate this authorization request, you can choose to look for a public domain image on the Wikimedia Commons basis or another platform, and the indication for the source must be: "Public domain image" - 'respective web link'.
If it is not possible to obtain an authorization from the entity that owns the illustration copyrights or to replace it with a public domain image, this illustration msut be removed from the text. Failure to comply with this statement compromises the publication of the text.

9.12. Equations and formulas should be converted to image format and sequentially numbered in their lower right corner using Arabic numerals enclosed by parentheses.


10. Tables

10.1. All tables must be properly positioned and be mentioned in the text, using the word Table, even when enclosed by parentheses [e.g. (Table 1)].

10.2. Tables are identified with Arabic numerals in a continuous sequence, positioned at the top.

10.3. The title should appear in italic on the line below the table number, without period at the end, must be concise, express the content and use capital letters  at the beginning of each word.

10.4. Authors should avoid very large tables that do not exceed one page, and should use editable formats .

10.5. Tables should be simple, not contain long sentences or very large numbers and not use too many decimal places.

10.6. If the table is not original, its source must be specified at the end of the table, left-aligned.


11. References

11.1. These come at the end of the text, preceded by the use of the word ‘References’.

11.2. The APA Style (American Psychological Association) will be considered as a guide for any kind of reference not expressly covered in this point.

11.3. References must be written in the Roman alphabet (carry out transliteration).

11.4. They should only include references cited in the text.

11.5. Self-citation must not exceed 20%.

11.6. References must be listed in alphabetic order.

11.7. If there are several references by the same author they should be listed in chronological order.

11.8. If there is more than one reference by the same author in a particular year, the letters a, b, c, etc. are added to the date.

11.9. In the Bibliography section, references should include DOI (at the end), wherever it exists, using URL format. E.g.,

11.10. Book
Surname, A. A. (year). Title of the work. Editor. DOI or URL

11.11. Book Chapter
Surname, A. A., & Surname, B. B. (year). Title of the chapter. In C. C. Surname & D. D. Surname (Ed./Coord./Ed Lit. or Org.), Title of the work (x ed., pp. xx-xx). Editor. DOI or URL

11.12. Journal article
Surname, A. A. (year). Article title: Article subtitle. Name of Publication(issue or supplement), xx-xx.

11.13. Article in printed conference proceedings
Surname, A. A., & Surname, B. B. (year). Title of article. In C. C. Surname (ed.), Title of the proceedings (pp. xx-xx). Editor. 

11.14. Oral communication 
Surname, A. A., & Surname, B. B. (year). Title of the communication.  Name of the conference, City, Country.

11.15. Legislation or regulations
Portaria (Order) xxxxx of dd mm. Diário da República  (Official Gazette) xxx/xx – X Series. Ministry.


11.16. Unpublished manuscripts (such as theses and dissertations)
Surname, A. A. (year). Title of work (Dissertation/Thesis). Name of the Institution.


12. Text organisation for submission

12.1. Texts and figures should be saved in individual files and stored in a folder identified by the first author's surname. The folder should be compressed in ZIP format and must not exceed 45 MB.


13. Duties of authors

13.1 Authors are solely responsible for obtaining permission to publish material that is subject to copyright.

13.2. Depending on the review process, the authors agree to accept the suggestions made by anonymous reviewers and introduce them in the final document, in the required conditions. Whenever the authors disagree with a proposal they must provide a duly grounded justification for each instance.


14. Publishing rights

14.1. Publishing rights belong to the Department of Geography and Tourism, University of Coimbra.

14.2. Publication constitutes acceptance of "instructions for authors" and the "Código de ética guia de boas práticas da UC Digitalis" (Code of ethics guide to good practice of UC Digitalis).

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used solely for the services provided by this publication and will not made available for other purposes or to third parties.