IMPACTVM is a web platform of academic journals that aims to promote the scientific knowledge produced in Portuguese-speaking countries. Although it is based at the University of Coimbra, this project is open to collaboration with the best journals throughout the Portuguese-speaking world and boosts the editorial status of the titles referenced.
Titles already in production are listed in this page and from here their contents can be browsed and searched.
Antropologia Portuguesa
Antropologia Portuguesa is a peer-reviewed journal that seeks to publish the best theoretical and empirical research in the multidisciplinary field of Anthropology, including the sub-fields of Biological Anthropology and Social-Cultural Anthropology, among others. It publishes a wide range of original materials, including research articles, short essays, interviews, review articles, and book reviews, in Portuguese, English and Spanish languages. All manuscripts go through a rigorous process of selection and review by the Editorial Board and multiple anonymous referees. Antropologia Portuguesa is one of the oldest journals of Anthropology in Portugal, first published in 1914 as Contribuições para o Estudo da Antropologia Portuguesa, and since 1983 as Antropologia Portuguesa. The journal is strongly committed to combining traditional anthropological goals and approaches with new collaborative and interdisciplinary explorations across the human sciences. It is indexed in WoS (Web of Science), Scopus, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences), LATINDEX, HLAS Online, REDIB, and Sherpa/Romeo.
Atlantís - review
ATLANTÍS makes available in aggregated form book reviews published in journals hosted at the digital platform Impactum of Coimbra University Press, with the objective of promoting the visibility of research and the transfer of knowledge. The reviews cover a wide range of topics and approaches (literature, culture, ancient history, archaeology, art history, philosophy, language and linguistics), while maintaining as common denominator the world of Classical Antiquity and its projection in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, as well as its reception in modern times.
A Biblos. Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra assume um carácter interdisciplinar e destina-se a um público aberto e interessado pelas Humanidades, pelas Ciências Sociais e pela promoção das Artes e da Cultura. Admite artigos publicados em língua portuguesa, inglesa, francesa, espanhola, italiana e alemã. É uma revista de periodicidade anual, com um carácter temático e arbitragem científica. É publicada em suporte digital, ficando alojada na Impactum , plataforma da Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, havendo também lugar a impressão em papel.
Boletim do Arquivo da Universidade de Coimbra
The University of Coimbra Archives Bulletin is a biannual publication dedicated to studies in the field of Information Science and History, open to both national and foreign authors.
Includes: Tools for archival research, studies and reviews. -
Boletim da Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra
The Bulletin assumes itself as heir to the Archivo Bibliographico da Bibliotheca da Universidade de Coimbra that was first published in January 1901 and continued without interruption until May 1913. From January 1914 until the end of 1916 it came out with a slightly different name: Boletim Bibliográfico da Biblioteca da Universidade de Coimbra. Starting with vol. 4 (Jan./Jun. 1917) it was published with the title Boletim da Biblioteca da Universidade de Coimbra, and remained so until vol. 46/47 (2015/2016) when it assumed the current designation as Boletim da Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra / Bulletin of the General Library of the University of Coimbra. The main scope of the Bulletin is the study and the dissemination of the documentary funds from the General Library and from all the libraries of the University of Coimbra. It is open to the Portuguese and foreign scientific communities for the publication of studies in the fields of Librarianship and Culture, giving preference to those whose object is the existing collections in the University or related to them. The Bulletin is published in digital format, with open access, being hosted on the Impactum Platform of the Coimbra University Press. It is also available in print.
Boletim de Estudos Clássicos
The Bulletin of Classical Studies (BEC) is an annual Publication promoted by the Portuguese Association of Classical Studies (APEC), in collaboration with the Institute of Classical Studies of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra and the Center for Classical and Humanistic Studies (CECH) of the University of Coimbra. The main mission of the BEC is to promote research and dissemination in Classical Studies from a teaching perspective and by learning pedagogical contexts, at secondary schools and universities. The BEC encourages the dialogue between researchers, specialists, teachers, students and amateurs of Classical Antiquity, with special focus on what is researched in Classical Studies (language, culture, literature, pedagogy and didactics, reception), but also on what happens in the contemporary world that reflects the relevance of Classical Studies in understanding everyday events.
Cadernos de Geografia
The journal Cadernos de Geografia is published by the Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra.This journal was created in 1983 and is the outcome of what had been planned for some time, for a journal that can cover all the topics that geography encompasses.The first issue was dedicated to Professor Alfredo Fernandes Martins, a distinguished Geographer from Coimbra’s Geography group, who also dreamed of the Institute launching a publication. Works of great historical interest and geographical interest by this author were published in that issue.The Cadernos de Geografia has been published in three series, which are easily distinguished by their appearance. The second series also has four special issues, the first is a tribute to Professor J. M. Pereira de Oliveira while the others contain the works that were presented at the first three Colóquios de Geografia de Coimbra, since the communications from the subsequent issues were included in the issue of the relevant year.
In print since 1959, Conimbriga is an annual journal of Archaeology. It publishes original works with a theoretical and methodological scope, the results of archaeological research, summaries and critical studies. Its final pages include a section of critical reviews. Focusing mainly on Archaeology, this journals also welcomes contributions from other scientific fields interacting with this scientific field at a cross-disciplinary. All submitted papers are subjected to expert peer review and undergo a process of blind evaluation. This journal follows an open access policy.
Debater a Europa
The complex challenges that the European Union faces in the globalized world and the contribution and role in finding solutions require appropriate communication strategies that allow citizens not only to have comprehensive information about the EU but also to be an active part on the project of the European construction.
In order to communicate on the European Union so that the subject gets closer to its citizens, there’s the need to do so in partnership, strengthening the coherence and synergies in the information and communication activities carried out by the European Institutions, its Member States, the information networks and any other participants in civil society, particularly in the academic environment.
The Journal “Debater a Europa” (Portuguese for Debating Europe; in electronic support) aims to analyze and debate themes on the European agenda, to create a space for dialogue on European issues and to contribute to a greater awareness on the project of the European construction.
This journal is open to collaborations in the form of articles, critical reviews, interviews and original documents. It also publishes proceedings of scientific events promoted by its editors.
Each issue/number may possibly contain a supplement (Vária).
“Debater a Europa” is a journal edited by the Press of the University of Coimbra, associated to the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the 20th Century of the University of Coimbra (CEIS20-UC) and to the Information Centre Europe Direct Aveiro, in partnership with the European Parliament Information Office in Portugal and the European Commission Representation in Portugal. -
DIAITA: Food - Heritage
Food&Heritage is an interdisciplinary scientific journal, anchored in the field of Cultural Studies on Food as an expression of Heritage and in the relationship that Food establishes with cultural and natural dimensions structuring the ‘way of life’ (in Greek díaita) of individuals and communities throughout History.
digitAR - Digital Journal of Archaeology, Architecture and Arts
digitAR - Digital Journal of Archeology, Architecture and Arts is the journal of the Center for Studies in Archeology, Art and Heritage Sciences and its main objective is to promote and disseminate the scientific activity of this Research Unit and all researchers who wish to promote the intellectual dialogue and the dissemination of their work to society.
Its mission is to constitute itself as a sharing space for the scientific knowledge, contributing to the development and dissemination of scientific research in the field of Archeology, Art History and Heritage Sciences, not neglecting all other forms of knowledge of societies and humanities.
GEOTECNIA is the leading scientific journal in the field of geotechnics in Portuguese and Spanish. It is the official journal of the Portuguese Geotechnical Society and is published in collaboration with the Brazilian Association of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering and with the Spanish Society of Soils Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. GEOTECNIA publishes scientific papers in all domains of geotechnics, in the form of articles, technical notes and discussions of articles previously published in the journal. It was first published in June / July 1971, and therefore it celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2021.
Humanitas is the oldest scholarly journal published in Portugal devoted to Greek, Latin and Renaissance Classical Studies, although it welcomes contributions from other interfacing fields of study (History, Archaeology, Philosophy, Religion, Art, Rhetoric, Reception of the Classics, among others). Owned by the Instituto de Estudos Clássicos of the Faculdade de Letras, University of Coimbra, Humanitas has been published regularly since its inception in 1947.
Joelho - Journal of Architectural Culture
Joelho — Journal of Architectural Culture is an academic journal published by the Department of Architecture of the University of Coimbra.
Since its launch in 2010 as the second series of the journal ECDJ, it has become widely recognized as the main peer-reviewed architectural journal in Portugal. Joelho is published once a year, both on paper and electronically, comprising both thematic and open issues.
Joelho is devoted to research and critique on architecture, urban design, and the built environment in general, encouraging the strengthening of the links between theoretical discourse and architectural practice. It is engaged in promoting research on both the international and the Portuguese contexts. Moreover, it aims at promoting a reflexive space on the relationships between the wider international discourses and the South European architectural culture.
Joelho welcomes submissions by young researchers and by established architects and academics. It is ruled by UC Digitalis Code of Ethics for Journal Editors and is also integrated in Impactum, a University of Coimbra digital library of academic articles and periodicals.
O καιρός | kairós é o boletim anual de divulgação da pesquisa desenvolvida no CEAACP. A equipa de investigadores tem uma natureza multidisciplinar, estando estruturada em três grupos: arqueologia, artes e ciências do património. Considerando a natureza do conhecimento gerado nesta dinâmica, o boletim apresenta três secções: [arquivos da terra], na qual se reúnem contributos sobre a prática arqueológica; [territórios da arte], que corresponde a um espaço de apresentação do grupo de investigação em arte; e, por último, a secção [traços das heranças], relativa à pesquisa interdisciplinar desenvolvida pelo grupo de ciências do património.
MATLIT: Materialities of Literature
MATLIT: Materialities of Literature addresses the material and technological mediations of literary practices, with a particular focus on printness, digitality, aurality, and intermediality. The research fields covered by the journal extend from literary studies to comparative media studies and to digital humanities. MATLIT uses the following working languages: Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Adopting an interdisciplinary and transmedia perspective, the journal is organized into thematic issues. Each issue has its own Call for Papers.
Mediapolis - Journal of Communication, Journalism and Public Space
Mediapolis – Journal of Communication, Journalism and Public Sphere is the scientific publication of the Group of Investigation in Communication, Journalism and Public Sphere, from the Centre of Interdisciplinary Studies in the 20Th Century, and it intends to be a reference in the Lusophone and Latin-American world, publishing articles and researches, related to the Media of Journalism, giving a particular emphasis to the aspects related with its influence in the public sphere, political systems and in democracy. Is one of the privileged poles of diffusion and internationalization of the research work of the Group of Investigation in Communication, Journalism and Public Sphere, giving a specific attention to the development of new lines of investigation and to the promotion of young researchers. Without compromising in essential scientific matters, Mediapolis – Journal of Communication, Journalism and Public Sphere intends to be a project available to an open public that is interested in communication issues and in the promotion of scientific culture in the area of Communication Sciences, journalism and media. The Journal will privilege the digital format and will affirm its role in the international context prioritizing the broadcasting of texts in Portuguese. Texts in English, French and Spanish will be accepted, providing they come with a Portuguese translation. The editorial project already takes on an interdisciplinary nature in the investigation centre to which it belongs, the Centre of Interdisciplinary Studies in the 20Th Century, trying to analyse the media and journalism fields starting from various theoretical and methodological tools from Social and Human Sciences and from other scientific areas, that may contribute to the opening of new perspectives and to the developing of knowledge in Communication Sciences. It is one of goals of Mediapolis to establish partnerships and to create projects with other publications and similar investigation centres, aiming, simultaneously: the promotion and internationalization of researchers and research made in Portuguese; the dissemination of researches and scientific texts of international importance in the Lusophone world. The Journal has a biannual periodicity.
Media & Jornalismo
Media & Journalism is a pioneering scientific journal in Portugal in the field of media studies and journalism. The first issue was published in 2002 by the then CIMJ - Centro de Investigação Media & Jornalismo// Center for Research Media & Journalism, tackling a “diversity of the themes of its articles, methodologies and reflections” and being “a space that promotes qualified discussion, not only in the academic community, but also among all those interested in the media and journalism in contemporary societies.” The magazine is currently published by ICNOVA - NOVA Communication Institute, which has since merged with CIMJ. The journal is still published twice a year (April and October of each year), and is indexed in SCOPUS, Scielo and DOAJ databases, and it follows a rigorous scientific arbitration procedures. Moreover, all of its content is openly accessible and free of charge.
Media & Journalism publishes top academic research and is a space for qualified discussions aimed at elucidating the social and political dynamics prompted by media and journalism in contemporary society. The reflections contribute to a more profound and critical knowledge of the various factors, time periods and impacts of the complex phenomena of communication. It seeks to bring together a variety of issues and approaches, from history to sociology, from law to economics, from practices, to technologies and uses, and constitutes an element of reflection and debate within a vast community looking at the peculiaries of the fields of media and journalism.
Notas Económicas
Notas Económicas is a peer-reviewed journal covering all fields of Economics, committed to contribute to the advance of knowledge in the areas of sustainable development, organizational innovation and development, health and poverty, and policy design.
PLOUTARCHOS n.s. is an International Scholarly Journal devoted to research on Plutarch's Works, on their value as a source for Ancient History and as literary documents and on their influence on Humanism. lt is directed to specialists on these topics. The principal Areas of research of this journal are Classical Philology, Ancient History and the Classical Tradition.
PSYCHOLOGICA is a peer reviewed journal and an official publication of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra. Established in 1988, PSYCHOLOGICA began publishing peer-reviewed scientific articles in Portuguese and since 2012 has published in both Portuguese and English. The journal aims to disseminate national and international scientific work carried out in various areas of Psychology in accordance with the highest scientific standards. It also aims to stimulate the exchange of ideas and experiences and the discussion of problems arising from the theory and practice of human, social and cultural development.
Revista Archai
Archai: The Origins of Western Thought is published by Archai: The Origins of Western Thought UNESCO Chair. It is published in Brazil (University of Brasília/Annablume) and in Portugal (Coimbra University Press, IUC) in print and with free online access to the electronic version. All manuscripts will undergo blind-review by peers. It is indexed by Web of Science (Clarivate), Scopus (Elsevier), SciELO, L’Année Philologique, Philosopher‘s Index, Phil Papers , European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH Plus), DOAJ, Phil Brasil, Latindex, Cengage Learning, Google Schoolar, BASE, Diadorim, PKP Index and in the Portal de Periódicos - CAPES, Brazil. Archai is classified as A2, the second best grade of its field (Philosophy) in the latest Qualis CAPES evaluation. Follow the Archai journal on Facebook.
Revista Estudos do Século XX
A revista Estudos do Século XX é uma publicação do Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX da Universidade de Coimbra – CEIS20, com sistema de arbitragem científica que tem por finalidade dar a conhecer os resultados das investigações que se vão realizando sobre aspetos da Sociedade Contemporânea.
A revista Estudos do Século XX apela assim à submissão de trabalhos, sob a forma de artigos científicos ou recensões bibliográficas.
Os interessados em colaborar deverão enviar para a indicação do título provisório do trabalho, um resumo que deverá ter no mínimo 350 palavras e no máximo 500 palavras, acompanhado de uma nota biográfica (incluindo nome, grau académico e instituição onde foi obtido, afiliação e endereço institucional completo, número de telefone/fax, e-mail e até 5 publicações recentes).
Revista de Estudos Literários
The Revista de Estudos Literários is published annually by Coimbra University Press and the Centre for Portuguese Literature, a research centre funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). This journal focuses mainly on literary criticism and literary theory. It aims at representing contemporary practices in Portuguese literary criticism. Each guest- edited volume is organized around a specific topic and includes a review section.
Revista Filosófica de Coimbra
The Revista Filosófica de Coimbra (RFC) is a biannual publication of the Philosophy Section of the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Information of the University of Coimbra. It has been published regularly since 1991, with the sponsorship of the Eng. António de Almeida Foundation.
Revista de História das Ideias
The Journal of History of Ideas is devoted to intellectual history and the global history of ideas. It publishes articles on the history of ideas in different subject fields, such as political thought, economic thought, philosophy, international relations, science, religion, arts and literature.
This same journal publishes the latest research in the fields of Cultural History and History of Ideas, building an interdisciplinary bridge between History and the other Social Sciences.
The Journal of History of Ideas also focuses on historiographic reflection and the dissemination of scientific studies of an international standard.
Proposals for special issues devoted to specific historical themes are also encouraged. -
Revista Portuguesa de História
A Revista Portuguesa de História é uma revista de periodicidade anual, cujos artigos são sujeitos a uma avaliação prévia por parte de uma comissão de arbitragem. Foi criada em 1941, no âmbito do Instituto António de Vasconcelos, designado, desde 1975, Instituto de História Económica e Social. Esta Revista tem-se dedicado, desde a sua fundação, à publicação de estudos de investigadores portugueses e estrangeiros na área da História, desde a Antiguidade até à Época Contemporânea. A RPH está empenhada na divulgação dos resultados da investigação histórica nas áreas da História Portuguesa e Mundial, sob a forma de artigos, recensões críticas e notícias.
Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia
Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia is a journal of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Coimbra.
Published since 1960, Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia is intended to disseminate the research carried out within the field of Educational Sciences and promote the debate and reflection on social and scientific issues relevant to Education as well as the sharing of ideas, knowledge and experience in this field.
Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia publishes articles written in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French, which undergo a double blind refereeing procedure. [Journal title in English, Portuguese Journal of Pedagogy]
The Territorium - Internacional Journal of Risks is published annually by RISCOS, Portuguese Association of Risks, Prevention and Safety in partnership with the University of Coimbra Press, and aims to disseminate relevant scientific research done in the field of the cyndinic science or dealing on the subject of risks, hazards and crises, whether dealing with its prevention, help in emergencies or rehabilitation of areas affected by its manifestation.
Undecidabilities and Law
Undecidabilities and Law – The Coimbra Journal for Legal Studies (ULCJ) is a Scientific Law Journal of the University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research (UCILeR), edited by Coimbra University Press (IUC)