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Estaire, J.; Schweckendiek, T. (2021). Representative values for use in the verification of limit states in the frame of the future Eurocode 7. Geotecnia 152, pp. 465-480, in Spanish.
Galindo, R.; Serrano, A.; Olalla, C. (2021). Theoretical bases of joint strength in rock masses with non-associated flow laws. Geotecnia 152, pp. 555-583, in Spanish.
Gens, A.; Vasconcelos, R. B.; Rodríguez, C. E.; Vaunat, J.; Villar, M. V. (2021). Homogenization of bentonite barriers for nuclear waste. Geotecnia 152, pp. 87-111, in Spanish.
Gomes Correia, A., Neves, J.; Fortunato, E.; Parente, M. (2021). Pavement and rail track geotechnics and prospects for the digital age. Geotecnia 152, pp. 113-141, in Portuguese.
Lamas, L.; Vieira de Lemos, J. (2021). The development of rock mechanics and evolution trends in research and applications. Geotecnia 152, pp. 481-508, in Portuguese.
Lemos, L. J. L., Correia, A. A. S.; Venda Oliveira, P. J. (2021). Behavior of chemically stabilized soils reinforced with fibers under monotonic and cyclic loading. Geotecnia 152, pp. 509-529, in Portuguese.
Lima, C.; Esteves, C.; Oliveira, M. A.; Resende, M. E.; Plasencia, N. (2021). Underground works in Portuguese hydropower schemes. Geotecnia 152, pp. 187-249, in Portuguese.
Maranha das Neves, E.; Caldeira, L. (2021). 50 years of research on the structural behaviour of embankment dams. Geotecnia 152, pp. 307-336, in Portuguese.
Matos Fernandes, M.; Cardoso, A. S.; Guerra, N. (2021). Large urban excavations. A view on construction solutions and structural systems for their support. Geotecnia 152, pp. 531-554, in Portuguese.
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Palmeira, E. M.; Gardoni, M. G.; Araújo, G. L. S. (2021). Geosynthetics in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering: advances and prospects. Geotecnia 152, pp. 337-368, in Portuguese.
Pardo de Santayana, F.; Santiago, C.; Groot, M. (2021). Mechanical behaviour of energy piles. Experimental studies. Geotecnia 152, pp. 369-403 367-401, in Spanish.
Peña Fernández, S.; Asanza Izquierdo, E. (2021). Applied machine learning and predictive modeling techniques for soil profiling. Practical CPTU application. Geotecnia 152, pp. 585- 615, in Spanish.
Pimenta de Ávila, J.; Sawaya, M.; Sayão, A. S. F.; Ferreira, L. A. (2021). Safety of tailings dams in Brazil: assessment of recent accidents. Geotecnia 152, pp. 435-464, in Portuguese.
Sagaseta Millán, C.; Castro González, J. (2021). Three decades of evolution of numerical analysis of tunnels. A personal view to the light of a real case. Geotecnia 152, pp. 251-272, in Spanish.
Sayão, A. S. F.; Cruz, P. T.; Ferreira, L. A. (2021). Rockfill dams in Brazil: evolution, advances and perspectives. Geotecnia 152, pp. 11-41, in Portuguese.
Schnaid, F.; Martins, I. S. M.; Delgado, B. G.; Odebrecht, E. (2021). Strain rates effects in the prediction of geotechnical parameters. Geotecnia 152, pp. 405-434, in Portuguese.
Viana da Fonseca, A.; Santos, J.; Coelho, P. (2021). 30 years of progress in 3 geotechnical labs of Portuguese universities: characterisation of non-plastic soils. Geotecnia 152, pp. 143-185, in Portuguese.