Editorial Joelho 10

Team 10: Debate and Media in Portugal and Spain


  • Pedro Baia
  • Nuno Correia Department of Architecture, University of Coimbra
  • Carolina Garcia Estevez Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB)




The title of this issue is composed by three moments of focus: Team 10 / Debate and Media / Portugal and Spain. The main focus addresses Team 10 as a group of architects who were dealing with the renovation process of Modern Architecture after the Second World War. Known as an informal group, Team 10 was however a platform of discussion, based on a complex network of several individual links with schools of architecture, architectural magazines, editors, writers and artists. That network is analysed in the second moment of focus. The last moment is a cultural and geographical one. In part because of their specific languages and political situations, Portugal and Spain were two countries geographically and culturally far from the centre of Europe. Although, despite that distance, there were many architects who managed to break this cultural detachment.


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