About the Journal
O καιρός | kairós é o boletim trimestral de divulgação da pesquisa desenvolvida no CEAACP. A equipa de investigadores tem uma natureza multidisciplinar, estando estruturada em três grupos: arqueologia, artes e ciências do património. Considerando a natureza do conhecimento gerado nesta dinâmica, o boletim apresenta três secções: [arquivos da terra], na qual se reúnem contributos sobre a prática arqueológica; [territórios da arte], que corresponde a um espaço de apresentação do grupo de investigação em arte; e, por último, a secção [traços das heranças], relativa à pesquisa interdisciplinar desenvolvida pelo grupo de ciências do património.
Peer Review Process
All items accepted by the Editorial Board will be submitted to a system of anonymous referees, entrusted to two external reviewers. If necessary, a third reviewer will be auscultated. In light of advice received the Editorial Board may determine that the authors adopt the suggestions contained in them and, ultimately, may decline to accept the text.
Publication Frequency
O καιρός | kairós is published yearly.
Open Access Policy
This journal offers immediate free access to its contents. We strongly believe that free and public access to scientific knowledge is fundamental for democratizing that knowledge.
This journal offers immediate free access to its contents. We strongly believe that free and public access to scientific knowledge is fundamental for democratizing that knowledge. More...
Fees for submission and articles publication
καιρός | kairós doesn't charge any fee from authors to articles submission, peer review, revision, journal publishing, and distribution, publication and download in the World Wide Web.