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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and is neither under evaluation nor has been published elsewhere (pré-prints excluded)
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word
  • The submission file do not contain any mention to the author, including its metadata (use the Inspect Document command in Microsoft Word and execute all the given recommendations).

Author Guidelines

  1. Submission

1.1. We recommend that articles be kept under 50,000 characters including spaces and that reviews have around 15,000 characters. Articles must include a 100–250-word abstract in two different languages: the main language (i.e. the language in which the article is written), and in English, as well as a list of up to five keywords, also in the main language and in English. The same applies to the title, which shall be the first element of the article, in the main language, followed by its version in English. Please note that for articles in English there is no need to provide abstract and keywords in other languages.

1.2. Contributions must be submitted online, through the journal’s website. We recommend using the template file that can be downloaded from the following address:

1.3. The submitted file shall not have any reference to the name of the author nor any other information that could identify the author.

1.4. It is expected that reviews to be submitted to Plato Journal are guided by the following guidelines:

  • Deal with books published in the last five years;
  • Begin with one or two brief paragraphs that give an overall characterization of the book so that readers can quickly tell if they are interested in reading the full review;
  • Offer an assessment of at least a few key aspects of the book instead of just providing a summary. It is also important to give justifications for any evaluations, particularly negative ones;
  • Be approximately 1500–2500 words in length. Reviewers who wish to give a longer or shorter treatment of the book in question are asked to check with the Assistant Editor for Reviews;
  • Begin with a bibliographic entry for the book in the following format: author (or editor), title, city: publisher, date, number of pages, ISBN. For example: Julia Annas. Platonic Ethics: Old and New. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1999, 196pp., ISBN 0-8014-3518-8;
  • Have your text carefully reviewed before submission.

1.5. When images or diagrams are used, a copy of each one of the images shall be uploaded as a supplement during the submission process. The journal accepts images or diagrams in .jpg or .png formats, with a maximum resolution of 300 dpi. Images shall be followed by a label in the text body, as well as their sources with de applicable credits.

1.6. If the submission has four or more authors, the contribution of each one must be indicated in a footnote at the end of the manuscript.


  1. Editorial Standards

2.1. The template file provides the style formats and other journal standards. We ask the contributor to avoid changing fonts, sizes, margins nor any other formats, except when using words in bold and italic in the text body.

2.2. The template supports 3 levels in its structure of topics. The introduction of new levels is not recommended.

2.3. The template font is Unicode, and, therefore, compatible with several characters sets from non-Latin languages, including polyphonic Greek and Hebrew. We ask the contributor not to change the template font.

2.4. The journal adopts a simplified style of transliterating the Greek, i.e., ignore all accents, mark the initial rough breathing with "h" and signal the distinctions between long and short syllables with the macron ( ¯ ), as well as make the iota subscript explicit. For example: "παρρησία" becomes "parrhēsia"; "ἀλήθεια" becomes "alētheia", and so on. Transliterations of Greek words shall be done according to the Romanization of Modern Greek, Library of Congress (Table), available at:

2.5. A space should be added after the punctuation dot after abbreviations. Example:

  • R. R. Tolkien.

2.6 Footnotes

2.6.1. Footnotes shall be used only in the text body, not in titles, or in the author identification, or in abstracts.

2.6.2. Footnotes shall be used only with explanatory purposes, reduced to a minimum, and never for citation of sources.

2.6.3. Footnotes’ superscript numbers shall be added after all punctuation signs adjacent to the word to which they apply. Example:

  • ([…] anywhere else in the world);12
  • […] as in Diogenes of Apollonia.7

2.6.4. When mentioning acknowledgements and/or funding information, please include a footnote after the first word in the text body or in the end of the text.


  1. Citations

3.1. Citations follow the author-date system, always in the text body (never in footnotes), according to the following examples.[1]

3.2. References and citations

3.2.1. Include the Author name, the Year of publication, and the Pages (and notes, if applied), separated by commas (and with a space after ‘p.’ and ‘n.’). Examples:

  • (Cardoso, 1994, p. 12)
  • Chantraîne, 1999, p. 942.

3.2.2. Separate different bibliographic references in sequence by a semicolon when the word changes. For pages within the same word, a simple comma is enough.

  • (Santos, 2017b, p. 1-3, 9, n. 42; 2013a, p. 131-144; 2009; Poulsen, 1982)

3.2.3. In indirect quotes, the author name can appear outside the parenthesis, if necessary.

  • Irony would thus be an implicit form of heterogeneity shown, according to the classification proposed by Authier-Reiriz (1982).
  • Grant (1885, p. 48, n. 4-5) points to the supposed immaturity of Aristotelian psychology due to the assertions that the pleasures of sight, hearing and smell belong to the body

3.2.4. In direct quotes, the complete citation – that is, with Author, Year and Pages – shall be included in parenthesis. Example:

  • “Democracy depends on citizens’ availing themselves of the freedom to participate in rule (…).” (Schofield, 2006, p. 111).

3.2.5. Direct quotes with 3 or more lines shall be indented using the Citação style in the template file (4 cm indentation from the left margin and font 2 pt smaller than the text body), without quotation marks. Example:

In De Partibus Animalium IV.II 690b19-691a9 Aristotle compares two animals, the crocodile and the snake, with regard to their sense organs of taste and their ability to taste. Firstly, there's the crocodile, which has no tongue, despite having the space for a tongue. This is exceptional among sanguine animals, which otherwise have tongues. The exception can be explained by the fact that the crocodile lives in water. Since it is an aquatic animal, it has no tongue. (Johansen, 1997, p. 220)

3.2.6. Direct quotations with less than 3 lines should include double quotation marks in the text body. Single quotation marks shall be used only for quotations inside other quotations and to refer to words and expressions. Examples:

  • “To what he answered, ‘I do not know.’”
  • The ‘is’ in Parmenides can be understood as…

3.2.7. Please, do not use abbreviations in Latin such as id.ibid.op. cit., etc. to indicate the repetition of citation data.

3.2.8. Avoid as much as possible the use of quotation of quotation. When inevitable, use the term apud – quoted byaccording to. Example:

  • According to Vatter (2001 apud Pérez Jiménez, 2011, p. 23), the concept of history […]

3.3. Citation of classical works

3.3.1. For Greek authors, follow the Greek-English Lexicon (LSJ) abbreviations available at:

3.3.2. For Latin authors, use the Oxford Latin Dictionary abbreviations available at:

3.3.3. Abbreviations of work names come in italics. Those of author names do not. Example:

  • Od. 1.111-125.

3.3.4. Works by Plato are quoted using the abbreviations of item 3.3.1 and the Stephanus numbering, with lowercase letters, without spaces between letters and numbers. Example:

  • Phd. 115c1-3.

3.3.5. Works by Aristotle are quoted using the abbreviations of item 3.3.1 and the Bekker numbering, with lowercase letters, without spaces between letters and numbers. Example:

  • Metaph. 1.3 983b21-23.

3.3.6. For Pre-Socratic authors, the reference in the Diels-Kranz catalog shall be provided, even when other collections are in use. The indication of the source work is also is recommended, even though not mandatory. Examples:

  • DK 68 A25
  • de An. 1.2 404a16-20 (DK 58 B40)
  • (VP 104 [DK 67 A5]; transl. LM 27 P5)
  1. Bibliographic references

4.1. The section where the bibliographic references are listed shall always be named Bibliography or its equivalent in the main language of the article.[2]

4.2. Book

4.2.1. The essential elements are: Author(s) (separated by semicolon, with the last name(s) in uppercase and the first names abbreviated with a single letter), Year of publication, Title (in italics), Edition, City(ies), and Publisher. Examples:

  • PELLING, C. B. R. (2011). Plutarch and History: eighteen studies. Swansea, Classical Press of Wales.
  • BRANCACCI, A.; MOREL, P.-M. (eds.) (2006). Democritus: Science, the Arts, and the Care of the Soul. Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Democritus (Paris, 18-20 September 2003). Leiden/Boston, Brill.

4.2.2. Works of ancient authors – editions and translations – shall include as author the editor or translator. The ancient author is indicated before the title. Examples:

  • TRABATTONI, F. (ed.) (2011). Platone. Fedone. Milano, Einaudi.
  • DIXSAUT, M. (1991). Platon. Phédon (traduction, introduction et notes). Paris, GF-Flammarion.

4.2.3. Each bibliographic entry must include only one Year (never 1989-1991 or 2007-10, for instance). If the author wants to refer to a volume set, in which volumes were published in different dates, (s)he shall provide one entry per volume with its respective date.

4.2.4. The bibliographic entry shall always correspond to the version being quoted in the text body. If it is a reprint, the author may refer to the original print in parenthesis after the edition he is actually employing. Example:

  • SELTMAN, C. (1955). Greek Coins. A History of Metallic Currency and Coinage down to the Fall of the Hellenistic Kingdoms. Methuen, London. (1ed. 1933)

4.2.5. Book chapters shall be followed by the complete bibliographic reference, including pages, even if the book is already included in the bibliography. Example:

  • JIMÉNEZ SAN CRISTÓBAL, A. I. (2009). The Meaning of βάκχος y βακχεύειν in Orphism. In: Johnston, P. A.; CASADIO, G. (eds.). Mystic Cults in Magna Graecia. Austin, University of Texas Press, p. 46-60.

4.3. Article

4.3.1. The essential elements are: Author(s), Year, Article Title, Publication name (in italics; please, do not use abbreviations), Volume (not preceded by comma), Issue number (if applied), and Pages. Example:

  • Pakaluk, (2003). Degrees of Separation in the PhaedoPhronesis 48, n. 2, p. 89-115.

4.3.2. If the article has been reprinted, the author shall indicate the version he is quoting in the text body. The author may inform, if he wills, the complete original reference in parenthesis at the end of the entry. Example:

  • ROBERTS, J. (1987). Plato on the causes of wrongdoing in the Laws. Ancient Philosophy 7, p. 23-37. (Also In: IRWIN, T. (ed) (1995). Classical Philosophy: collected papers. Vol. 3. Plato’s Ethics. New York, London, Garland Publishing Inc., p. 397-411.)

4.4. Online Article

4.4.1. References to short duration internet material should be avoided.

4.4.2. For online works, the essential elements are: Author(s), Year, Article Title, Website name (in italics), Web Address, and Access Date. Example:

4.5. Theses, dissertations, and other academic works

4.5.1. The essential elements are: Author, Year, Title (in italics), Degree and Document Type, as well as the academic affiliation. Example:

  • SMITH, U. A. M. (1986). The Metaphysics of Plato and Aristotle: An analysis. A. Dissertation. McGill University, Montreal.


  1. Peer-Review

5.1. The review and selection of submissions are conducted by peers. The process of evaluation of the article is documented in the archives of the Plato Journal. Texts submitted are forwarded by the Editorial Committee to the Scientific Committee or to ad hoc reviewers. Texts are judged by their conformity to the journal’s editorial line, its editorial norms and by the quality of the writing, both in terms of originality and relevance of the proposed themes and in terms of the critical and/or informative impact that they may have to the advancement of the studies on the origins of Western thought.


  1. Rights

6.1. The publication of the article implies that the authors grant the journal the right of first publication.



Translations of ancient texts only.


Copyright Notice

Given the public access policy of the journal, the use of the published texts is free, with the obligation of recognizing the original authorship and the first publication in this journal. The authors of the published contributions are entirely and exclusively responsible for their contents.

  1. The authors authorize the publication of the article in this journal.
    2. The authors guarantee that the contribution is original, and take full responsibility for its content in case of impugnation by third parties.
    3. The authors guarantee that the contribution is not under evaluation in another journal.
    4. The authors keep the copyright and convey to the journal the right of first publication, the work being licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License-BY.
    5. The authors are allowed and stimulated to publicize and distribute their work on-line after the publication in the journal.
    6. The authors of the approved works authorize the journal to distribute their content, after publication, for reproduction in content indexes, virtual libraries and similars.
    7. The editors reserve the right to make adjustments to the text and to adequate the article to the editorial rules of the journal.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.