
Which journals on this site would you like to register with?
  • Antropologia Portuguesa
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  • Atlantís - review
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  • Biblos
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  • Boletim do Arquivo da Universidade de Coimbra
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  • Boletim da Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra
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  • Boletim de Estudos Clássicos
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  • Cadernos de Geografia
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  • Conimbriga
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  • Debater a Europa
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  • DIAITA: Food - Heritage
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  • digitAR - Digital Journal of Archaeology, Architecture and Arts
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  • Geotecnia
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  • Humanitas
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  • Joelho - Journal of Architectural Culture
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  • Kairós
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  • MATLIT: Materialities of Literature
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  • Mediapolis - Journal of Communication, Journalism and Public Space
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  • Media & Jornalismo
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  • Notas Económicas
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  • Ploutarchos
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  • Psychologica
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  • Revista Archai
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  • Revista Estudos do Século XX
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  • Revista de Estudos Literários
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  • Revista Filosófica de Coimbra
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  • Revista de História das Ideias
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  • Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura
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  • Revista Portuguesa de História
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  • Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia
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  • Territorium
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  • Travessias
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  • Undecidabilities and Law
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