Editors' note





JOELHO 10 closes the cycle of the second series of “em cima do joelho”. This cycle aimed to put JOELHO in dialogue with the scientific journals on architecture while integrating some of the irreverence
that was explored in the first 12 numbers of ecdj. The goal was no more mapping the everyday life of our
school of architecture in Coimbra but contributing to the academic debates that were taking place
in the architectural field. Women in architecture, Anthropology, Memory, Teaching through Design,
Digital, Heritage, Utopias, European City or Reuse were themes identified by us and a group of guest
editors that challenged the academic community to participate. Peer reviewed by invited academic
experts, the authors struggled to support their arguments or to achieve coherence. On one side,
Joelho became more scientific, but on the other side, it was touched by the irony of the artists in the cover,
or the joy of the students in the “exhibition” section. To all of them, a big thanks for keeping JOELHO a
beautiful object, either in paper or in the digital cloud.


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Author Biography

Gonçalo Canto Moniz, Departamento de Arquitectura FCTUC

Gonçalo Canto Moniz (Porto, 1971) é investigador do Núcleo Cidades, Culturas e Arquitectura (CCArq) do Centro de Estudos Sociais da UC. Licenciado em Arquitectura em 1995 no Departamento de Arquitectura da FCTUC, onde é Professor Auxiliar, Coordenador do Mestrado Integrado em Arquitectura, membro da Comissão Editorial da e|d|arq e editor da revista de cultura arquitectónica, JOELHO. Doutorado pela Universidade de Coimbra com a tese "O Ensino Moderno da Arquitectura. A Reforma de 57 e as Escolas de Belas Artes em Portugal (1931-69)" em 2011. Tem investigado e publicado sobre a Arquitectura Moderna em Portugal, nomeadamente sobre os equipamentos liceais, o ensino da arquitectura e os espaços da justiça, sendo autor do livro "Arquitectura e Instrução: o projecto moderno do liceu, 1836-1936" (e|d|arq, 2007).




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