Call for papers for the Revista Media & Jornalismo on “Innovation in the media and in the creative industries”
The call for papers for the journal Media & Jornalismo (Vol. 20, nº 36) on “Innovation in the media and in the creative industries” was opened, with António Granado (NOVA FCSH, ICNOVA), Dora Santos Silva (NOVA FCSH, ICNOVA) and Paulo Nuno Vicente (NOVA FCSH, ICNOVA/iNovaMediaLab) as publishers. October 30th is the submission deadline.
Innovation in the media and in the creative industries, such as advertising, design, cinema and photography, video games and educational entertainment software, has been the subject of study in recent years by both academia and industry. This trend has come as a response to the opportunities and constraints – brought by the emerging creative digital ecosystem. The growing social role of creativity and its economic impact (Howkins, 2001 and Florida, 2002) also imposed the need to rethink media practices as part of creative industries that provide us with symbolic content (Hesmondhalgh, 2007).
This multidisciplinary and convergent context triggers a number of research agendas that need to be revisited: first, the innovation typologies proposed to understand products, processes, positions, and paradigms (Storsul & Krumsvik, 2013; Bleyen et al., 2014; Santos Silva, 2016); second, the available case studies related to innovation and entrepreneurship in the media and in these creative industries; next, the emerging journalistic practices and the reconfiguration of their narrative formats, the repercussion that innovation and creative industries have on the curricula of higher education institutions (Crespo, Foa & Cardoso, 2016). These are just a few examples that illustrate the potential of this comprehensive thematic issue, its diversification and, above all, its timeliness and need for discussion.
In this issue of Media & Jornalismo, dedicated to the theme “Innovation in the Media and in the Creative Industries”, we aim to document and discuss the latest trends and advances in the media and creative industries
We encouragecontributions that focus on:
- proposals for new innovation typologies in the creative media and industries;
- essays and analysis on the reconfiguration of relations between the media and other creative industries in a convergent environment;
- empirical studies on media innovation strategies and creative industries in relation to their products in the fields of television, radio, print and digital media, and their relationship with design, advertising, software industry and new formats;
- empirical studies on innovation in digital media and emerging technologies;
- empirical studies on media innovation strategies and creative industries in relation to the developing processes of new narrative forms;
- empirical studies on media innovation strategies and creative industries in relation to paradigmatic business models and organizational culture(s);
- empirical studies on media innovation strategies and creative industries particularly stressing online social networks and communication with audiences
The CFP ends at 30/10/19.
The issue will be published in April 2020.
Revista Media & Jornalismo (RMJ) is a peer-reviewed journal that uses a double blind review process. After submission, each paper will be distributed to two reviewers, previously invited to evaluate it, in terms of its academic quality, originality and relevance to the objectives and scope of the theme chosen for the journal’s current issue. Articles can be submitted in English, Spanish or Portuguese.
Manuscripts must be submitted via the journal’s website ( If you are accessing the RMJ for the first time, please registerin order to submit your article. Please check the Conditions for submission and Instructions to authors:
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