“A doutrina da ciência nos seus contornos gerais. Exposto por J. G. Fichte”. Translation and critical study





Fichte, Wissenschaftslehre, Transcendental philosophy, German Idealism


The text presented here consists of the first translation into Portuguese of the final lesson of the course on the Wissenschaftslehre delivered by J.G. in the winter semester of 1810 at the newly founded University of Berlin, and is the only text dedicated to the Wissenschaftslehre in specie that Fichte published after the Grundlage, in its two editions of 1794 and 1802. The commentary attached to the translation discusses in a synthetic way the most significant points of the text: the conception of knowledge in the perspective of the Wissenschaftlehre (§ 1); the historical context in which Fichte’s late thought is placed (§ 2); the relation between schema, capacity and law, that are basic concepts to understand the argumentative course of the expositions of the Wissenschaftslehre from 1810, and the theoretical(§ 4) and practical (§ 5) implications of the perspective assumed in these expositions. The complete deduction of the practical‑theoretical determinations of knowledge in the space opened by the Wissenschaftslehre allows, finally, a reflection on the transformation of knowledge into wisdom, an authentic objective of Fichte´s philosophical work.


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