Features of Max Scheler’s phenomenology in the work of Lima Vaz


  • André Damasceno Barbosa Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia
  • Nilo Ribeiro Junior UNICAP - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco




Lima Vaz, Max Scheler, Phenomenology, Ethics


The article aims to identify features of Max Scheler's phenomenology in the work of Henrique Cláudio de Lima Vaz. It is intended to deepen the understanding of the thought of this Brazilian philosopher still little explored in the academic environment, through the approximation of other philosophical sources implicit in his ethical writing. In the first moment, it is a question of investigating the influence of Scheler's moral personalism on the ethical issue in Lima Vaz. In the second, we intend to advocate the originality of Philosophical Ethics in relation to Schelerian thought thanks to the author's ethical-philosophical system that allows his thought to be situated in a more elaborated sphere of philosophical knowledge.



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