Uso de drogas, comportamentos sexuais de risco e comportamentos antissociais na adolescência: Padrões de associação
risk behaviors, adolescence, association patternsResumo
This article presents the results of a study about risk behaviors in adolescence (drug use, sexual risk behaviors and antisocial behaviors), conducted on a representative sample of 1048 adolescents. The results on the prevalence of the different analyzed behaviors broadly confirm the data described in both international (ESPAD, 2007, 2011; HBSC, 2006) and national studies (ECTAD, 2011). These results also highlight the influence of cultural and social‑‑demographic factors in these behaviors. In addition, it was possible to verify an association between the different risk behaviors, which is consistent with the results from previous research in this domain (Brook, Whiteman, Balka, Win, & Gursen, 1998; Jessor, Van Den Bos, Vanderryn, Costa, & Turbin, 1995; Negreiros, 2008). This conclusion points to the hypothesis defended by different authors (e.g. Jessor, 1998) about the existence of a common syndrome and the need for development of an integrated approach to risk behaviors in adolescence.Downloads
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Como Citar
Chitas, V., Negreiros, J., & Barreira, T. (2015). Uso de drogas, comportamentos sexuais de risco e comportamentos antissociais na adolescência: Padrões de associação. Psychologica, 57(2), pp. 73-93.
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